Worker Bee Tours Catalog 2024

Discover Italy: Voices of the Church 2024


Embark on a soul-stirring pilgrimage through Italy, tracing the echoes of faith that reverberate across centuries. Our 11-day journey unveils the spiritual tapestry of Rome, Florence, Milan, Assisi, and Siena, highlighting stories of great Christians through the centuries.

In Rome, where ancient basilicas stand sentinel, we’ll explore the imperial context of the early church, as well as the Vatican and its hallowed halls. Assisi, birthplace of St. Francis, beckons with its serene landscapes and sacred sites. Florence enchants with Renaissance artistry, while Siena whispers secrets in its medieval streets. Finally, Milan—a symphony of devotion and design—invites us to listen closely to the voices of the church echoing through time.

Venice Escape Add-on

Register now to join us for a three day add-on trip to romantic Venice directly following the Voices of the Church Tour.

Single Supplement

All of our travel is planned for double occupancy, with single travelers assigned a same sex roommate. Select this single supplement if you want to have a single room.

Balance Due after deposit:

If registered by deposit, we will bill you for the remaining balance in three separate installments of $1000 each per person due on April 30, June 30 and Aug 30, 2024.


Embark on a soul-stirring pilgrimage through Italy, tracing the echoes of faith that reverberate across centuries. Our 11-day journey unveils the spiritual tapestry of Rome, Florence, Milan, Assisi, and Siena, highlighting stories of great Christians through the centuries.

In Rome, where ancient basilicas stand sentinel, we’ll explore the imperial context of the early church, as well as the Vatican and its hallowed halls. Assisi, birthplace of St. Francis, beckons with its serene landscapes and sacred sites. Florence enchants with Renaissance artistry, while Siena whispers secrets in its medieval streets. Finally, Milan—a symphony of devotion and design—invites us to listen closely to the voices of the church echoing through time.

Voices of the Church Tour 2024 Itinerary

Day 0 – Tuesday, 1 October
Departure for western hemisphere participants. Overnight flight with next day arrival in Rome, Italy.

Day 1 – Wednesday, 2 October
Afternoon arrival at Rome Fiumicino (FCO) airport. Transfer to our hotel in Rome. Check-in. Free time before dinner and orientation at the hotel. Evening discussion introducing our voices theme and the archaeology of Rome and the major excavations from the 1st century C.E.

Day 2 – Thursday, 3 October
Breakfast at the hotel. Morning walking tour of ancient Rome, commencing at the majestic Colosseum, the largest amphitheater ever built, where gladiators once battled fiercely and thousands of Christians were martyred for their faith. Next, we will explore the Roman Forum, where the remnants of temples, basilicas, and public spaces whisper stories of the past. Highlights include the Julia Curia (where the Roman senate once met), the House of the Vestal Virgins, and the Arch of Titus (depicts the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 C.E.) Our tour ends at the Palatine Hill, one of Rome’s seven hills, offering panoramic vistas and a glimpse into the lives of emperors and nobility. Along the way, we will catch sight of other landmarks like the Pantheon and the Trevi Fountain. Group lunch and devotional talk, followed by free time to explore on your own. Dinner near the hotel.

Day 3 – Friday, 4 October
Breakfast at the hotel. All day tour of the Vatican City, the smallest state in the world and the seat of the Roman Catholic Church. We will start our visit at the Vatican Museums, where we will view treasures such as Guiseppe Momo’s Snail Staircase (1832), the Raphael Rooms (1508-1524), the Gregorian Egyptian Museum (1839), the Gallery of Maps (1580) and the incomparable Sistine Chapel (1512), Michelangelo’s great masterpiece, considered the finest painted work of all time. We will leave the Vatican for lunch and a devotional talk, then return to enter St. Peter’s Basilica, the largest and most important church in Christendom. Highlights include Giotto’s mosaic of Jesus Walking on the Water, Bernini’s Baldacchino and Micheangelo’s La Pietá. Optional climb of St. Peter’s dome, the highest point in Rome, for a breathtaking view of the city. Free time before dinner near the hotel.

Day 4 – Saturday, 05 October
Breakfast at the hotel. Walk to the Chiesa di Santa Maria, built upon the traditional site where Paul was held under house arrest. Next we will walk from there to the Mamertine Prison, where both Peter and Paul are believed to have been imprisoned. Finally, we will bus to the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, one of the four Papal basilicas in Rome. It was founded by Constantine the Great over the burial place of the Apostle Paul. We will take a break for lunch and a devotional talk before continuing to the Catacombs of St Callixtus, considered the most important of the ancient cemeteries in Rome. Established in the 3rd century C.E., this complex labyrinth of tunnels and passageways are the final resting place for over half a million people, including 16 Popes. The walls are adorned with intricate frescoes and inscriptions that offer insights into early Christian beliefs, practices, and artwork.

Day 5 – Sunday, 06 October
Early breakfast and check out from the hotel. Bus to the mountain town of Assisi, where we will trace the footsteps of St. Francis. We will begin at the majestic Basilica of St. Francis, where awe-inspiring frescoes narrate his life story, then visit the Cathedral of San Rufino (where St. Francis was baptized), and the San Damiano Monastery (home of the Franciscan Clarist Order of nuns). Along the way, we will encounter the Sacro Tugurio Rivotorto, the Porziuncola (where St. Francis passed away), and finally, stand in reverence at the Basilica of St. Francis, his eternal resting place. Lunch and a devotional talk follow the tour before we continue by bus to Florence. Hotel check-in and free time before dinner near the hotel.

Day 6 – Monday, 07 October
Breakfast at the hotel. Morning walking tour of Florence, soaking in the medieval charm of the historic center. The iconic Duomo stands out, with its intricate white marble facade, Giotto’s Bell Tower and the Baptistery, where the Gates of Paradise await your gaze. Other sights include the San Lorenzo Basilica, Mercato Centrale, Piazza della Repubblica and the Palazzo Vecchio. We will walk across the Ponte Vecchio, the oldest Bridge in Florence. Lunch on your own and a free afternoon to explore more of the city at your leisure. Devotional talk before dinner near the hotel.

Day 7 – Tuessday, 08 October
Breakfast at the hotel. Morning tour of the world famous Uffizi Museum, including Botticelli’s Birth of Venus, Cimabue’s Madonna Enthroned, Gentile da Fabriano’s Adoration of the Magi, Domenico Veneziano’s Virgin and Child, and The Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci. Lunch and devotional talk. Afternoon bus to Fiesole, an ancient Etruscan city perched on a hill overlooking Florence. Its Renaissance villas, cypress-lined lanes, and a well-preserved Roman theater offer a glimpse into Tuscany’s rich past. Explore on your own before enjoying a group dinner with sunset views over historic Florence. Bus return to the hotel.

Day 8 – Wednesday, 09 October
Breakfast at the hotel. Bus to Siena, where we will explore the most evocative places linked to the figure of St Catherine, the co-patron saint of Italy and Europe. Our tour starts at St. Catherine’s neighborhood in the historic center, where a Shrine marks the site where Catherine’s family home once stood. We’ll then visit the Catherine Chapel within St. Dominic Basilica. As we continue, we’ll stroll along Costone, one of Siena’s emblematic streets. It was here that Catherine, as a child, had her first mystical vision—a symbol of her profound faith and passionate commitment to Christian unity. In St. John Square, we’ll see where Catherine was baptized. Our route also takes us to the imposing 11th-century St. Maria della Scala Hospital, where Catherine engaged in charitable works. Descending, we’ll encounter the St. Catherine of the Night Oratory, recalling Catherine’s custom of praying for the dead here at night. Lunch and a devotional talk complete our visit before returning to Forence by bus. Free time before dinner near the hotel.

Day 9 – Thursday, 10 October
Breakfast at the hotel and check-out. Bus to Milan, stopping at the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Pavia. This is a Romanesque church that was built in the 10th century on the site of a previous 4th-century basilica, where the relics of St Ambrose, the patron saint of Milan, were transferred in 386. Group lunch and devotional talk, followed by a visit the Santa Maria delle Grazie convent, where we will view Leonardo DaVinci’s The Last Supper, perhaps the world’s most famous mural. Our day ends with arrival and check-in at the hotel. Free time and dinner on your own.

Day 10 – Friday, 11 October
Breakfast at the hotel. Morning walking tour of the Duomo and its surrounding precincts. The distinctive white marble facade is adorned with intricate marble sculptures, spires, and Gothic details. Take time to appreciate the craftsmanship and symbolism. Interior highlights include Marco d’Agrate’s sculpture of St. Bartholomew, depicting the saint flayed and holding his own skin—a powerful and haunting work of art, the Altar of the Virgin of the Tree, featuring a beautiful golden canopy and intricate reliefs, and the Crypt of St. Carlo Borromeo, an influential figure in Milan’s history. Optional climb to the cathedral’s terraces for breathtaking views of Milan. Here, we will also view the Madonnina, a gilded statue of the Virgin Mary that stands atop the highest spire. Opposite the Duomo stands the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a19th century architectural marvel and one of the most famous buildings in Milan. Tour followed by group lunch and a devotional talk. Free time for more sightseeing or last minute souvenir shopping for those with extra room in their bags. We will enjoy a farewell banquet to end the tour and reminisce about all that we have enjoyed together.

Day 11 – Saturday, 12 October
Breakfast at the hotel and transfer to the airport for departures home.


Additional information



Tour Type

Discovery Tour

Terms and Conditions


On receipt of your deposit, subject to availability and at our discretion, Worker Bee Tours will reserve your place on your selected holiday. A contract is only made between you and us upon your booking being confirmed and accepted by us and our confirmation thereof to either you or your travel agent.

Prices are based on costs and exchange rates in effect on the day of publication. Should these costs change, it may be necessary to make a surcharge on the price of your holiday. If a booking is made and confirmed at a price which is erroneous we may correct our error by notifying you. Unless we agree to honour the erroneous price, you will have the right to cancel within 7 days of notification without penalty. Should the total trip price increase by more than 10% you will have the right to cancel within 7 days of notification without penalty. No surcharge in respect of cost or currency fluctuations will be made once payment of the deposit for your land trip has been received. This guarantee excludes fuel surcharges and does not apply to any taxes, charges or levies imposed by any government or their agencies. In exchange for these guarantees, no refund will be made if costs are reduced.

3.1 Worker Bee Tours reserves the right to change or cancel your booking in accordance with operating requirements or circumstances beyond its control.
3.2 Should change or cancellation prove necessary we will give you reasonable notice thereof. In such circumstances, and where available, we may offer you a comparable alternative.
3.3 If an alternative is not available or acceptable you will be entitled to either a full refund of monies paid by you to us or transfer to another Worker Bee Tours holiday without payment of any transfer fee.
3.4 If the change or cancellation is due to force majeure (i.e. circumstances like political unrest, war or threat of war, riots, civil strife, closure of airports or ports, industrial disputes, terrorist activity, natural and nuclear disasters, fire, epidemic or health risk, Acts of God, adverse weather conditions or other similar events beyond Worker Bee Tours’s control) we will give a full refund of any monies paid to us less reasonable expenses incurred by us in respect of your booking.
3.5 Worker Bee Tours is not responsible for the costs of any other travel arrangements affected due to our cancellations or rescheduling of any trip departure.

4.1 The information in our descriptions is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication, but we cannot guarantee that any item or amenity mentioned will be available at the time of your trip, especially where we have no direct control over it.
4.2 Worker Bee Tours will do their best, at their discretion, to select accommodation, sightseeing trips and transportation to give you good value for money.
4.3 Worker Bee Tours will guarantee to match you up with someone of the same sex when booked in a shared room configuration, or provide a single room for you at no additional charge. Where accommodations are dormitory style, you may be required to share a room with members of the opposite sex.
4.4 Worker Bee Tours constantly strives to improve trip itineraries and features. If such improvements can be made, or unforeseen circumstances beyond our control make changes necessary, we reserve the right to vary itineraries and to substitute hotels. Worker Bee Tours is not responsible for any other travel arrangements affected due to our changes or cancellations.
4.5 We reserve the right to alter or substitute the type, the size of vehicle and/or the style of transport mentioned in the brochure, resulting in occasionally having to utilise transport without some of the features promoted.

5.1 Your travel agent or Worker Bee Tours Specialist shall, on the receipt of any monies, hold such monies for you until the booking is confirmed at which time those monies shall be remitted promptly by your travel agent or Worker Bee Tours Specialist to us. All such monies received by us will be deposited as required by law.
5.2 We will be entitled to keep for our account any interest earned on such monies.
5.3 All monies paid by you to us through your travel agent or otherwise, whether in respect of the deposit or full payment, may be disbursed by us as and when we see fit, in respect of the services to be provided and/or fees payable under the trip programme. The payment of a deposit or any other monies in respect of your trip shall be deemed to be an authorisation for disbursement thereof at the sole discretion of WBT, as and when we see fit.


6.1 In order to reserve your holiday, the specified deposit, per person per trip, or the full amount payable if the booking is made within 90 days of the scheduled start date of the trip, must be submitted to Worker Bee Tours by you in respect of that holiday. Changes or exceptions must be confirmed in writing by Worker Bee Tours. This payment is in addition to any deposit required by your travel agent. The deposit is accepted as a first installment of the holiday price by Worker Bee Tours only once the booking has been confirmed in writing by Worker Bee Tours. Please refer to your package itinerary for the specific deposit amount.
6.2 Your land reservation will be confirmed on receipt of the nonrefundable deposit per person per trip which must be within 7 days of booking or the reservation will automatically be cancelled.
6.3 Any special meal requirements will be made on a request basis only. Worker Bee Tours cannot guarantee special meal requests nor will it assume any responsibility or liability if travellers’ special meal requirements are not fulfilled.

7.1 Credit Card Bookings. Worker Bee Tours should be advised of your credit card number when making your reservation directly with us. For security purposes, we are required to collect the card expiration date and the customer verification code.
7.2 The balance of the holiday must be paid no later than 90 days prior to the departure date, which shall be stated on the confirmation issued to you by Worker Bee Tours. When making multi-trip bookings, full payment is due no later than 90 days prior to your first departure date. Changes or exceptions to this timeframe may be granted only by written confirmation from Worker Bee Tours.
7.3 If payment isn’t made by the due date, Worker Bee Tours may assume that you have cancelled your booking and cancellation charges will be levied by Worker Bee Tours in accordance with clause 3 below.
7.4 Tickets and other documents will not be forwarded to you until full payment has been received by us. Once payment has been received, all documentation will be sent to you via electronic post approximately 14 days prior to your date of departure.
7.5 In the case of Late Bookings made within 90 days of your departure date, the full cost of the holiday will be payable immediately on booking and we reserve the right to provide all travel documents at the holiday departure point.
7.6 Worker Bee Tours reserves the right to cancel the booking and apply cancellation charges should payments not be received within the above specified periods.

8.1 You may cancel your booking at any time, subject to fees and charges as outlined below.
8.2 Deposits are non-refundable. In the event you cancel your booking, any deposits paid will be forfeited by you and remain with Worker Bee Tours.
8.3 Upon cancellation you will be liable to pay a fee to cover the estimate of cost and expenses incurred by us in the terms of the schedule set out hereunder. This is expressed as a percentage of the package price and is calculated as follows:
After deposit, but before first intallment due date: ……………..Deposit is forfeited
After first installment due date:…………………………………Deposit plus first installment
After second installment due date: …………………………….Deposit plus first two installments
After third installment due date: ………………………………..Deposit plus Total Package Price
Please note: Worker Bee Tours’s cancellation policy may differ for services beyond the land package price, including but not limited to airfares and other costs associated with additional services. Where the percentage cancellation fee is less than the trip deposit, the cancellation fee will equal loss of deposit. If the reason for cancellation falls within the terms of any holiday insurance policy which you hold, then any such charges may, subject to the terms of your insurance policy, be refunded to you by the insurance company. All Cancellation policies valid as of 1 January 2024, and are subject to change. Final policy will be confirmed at time of booking.
8.4 Any cancellation of additional services booked prior to and after your trip booking, such as pre and post accommodation and transfers, that are cancelled within 45 days of the trip departure incur a 100% cancellation fee.
8.5 These cancellation fees are in addition to any cancellation fees that may be levied by your travel agent.

9.1 If after your booking has been confirmed, you wish to change to an alternate departure date of any available trip, you may do so subject to availability.
9.2 If the change is requested 90 days before the original trip departure no change fee will be charged.
9.3 A change of booking within 90 days of original trip departure will be treated as a cancellation and normal cancellation fees will apply (as detailed in section 3).
9.4 The new departure price would not be eligible for early payment discounts (EPD) if within 90 days before departure.
9.5 A name change to a different person will be treated as a cancellation.
9.6 Fees may be charged for any alteration to airline arrangements made by Worker Bee Tours.

10.1 Please read the package description carefully for those items included in the price. No allowance or refund can be made for meals, accommodation, excursions, etc. that you elect not to take, or when museums, shops, etc. are closed. Hotel facilities may vary from place to place. Meals may vary in style.
10.2 Worker Bee Tours packages are designed to serve the widest age range possible, but most of them include physical activity and potential discomfort that may or may not be acceptable to every potential traveler. Each individual agrees to take responsibility for determining their own personal fitness for any given package. In the event you are unwilling or unable to participate in any part of the package, no refunds will be made with respect to the package. In the event your inability or unwillingness to participate results in additional costs for Worker Bee Tours, you will be asked to pay those costs upon provision of services. This fact should be recognised when you book one of our holidays.
10.3 Worker Bee Tours strives to provide a safe, enjoyable and memorable travel experience for all travellers. Worker Bee Tours welcomes travellers with special needs or disabilities. However, please note the following:
• Travellers are required to advise Worker Bee Tours, in advance, of any physical, medical or other special needs that require accommodation.
• All travellers must ensure they are medically and physically fit for travel. Worker Bee Tours may impose safety requirements necessary for the safe operation of the trip. Worker Bee Tours may also exclude an individual from participating in a trip or an activity if that individual’s participation poses a direct threat to health or safety.
• Worker Bee Tours does not provide personal devices (such as wheelchairs, hearing aids or prescription eye glasses) or services of a personal nature (such as pushing a wheelchair or assistance in eating, toileting or dressing). A companion capable of providing such assistance must accompany any traveller who requires services of a personal nature.
• Worker Bee Tours does not employ medical personnel. Any necessary medical attention will be provided by a local facility at the traveller’s expense. Worker Bee Tours is not responsible or liable for any losses or costs incurred as a result of medical services obtained while on trip, or for the quality of the care or services received.
• Travellers should be aware some trips include rough terrain, extensive walking over uneven pavement, steps and locations which may not be easily accessible or accessible by wheelchair. During the trip, Worker Bee Tours may make arrangements with carriers, hotels and other independent suppliers to provide travel services. These parties are independent entities over which Worker Bee Tours has no control. Accommodation on international trips may differ from those in your home country. Worker Bee Tours cannot guarantee disability access or accommodation for travellers travelling on international trips.
• Worker Bee Tours may, at its sole discretion, decline the booking of any traveller or remove any traveller who cannot comply or refuses to comply with Worker Bee Tours’s terms and conditions. Worker Bee Tours is not responsible for any costs incurred in the event a traveller is removed from a trip. Travellers agree not to hold Worker Bee Tours or any of its related entities liable for any actions taken under these booking conditions.
10.4 You are responsible for all travel arrangements and costs to/from the departure point of your tour package.
10.5 There may be times when the Worker Bee Tours representative has to make a decision in your best interests or the best interests of their group. You agree to comply with the authority and decisions of the appointed Worker Bee Tours Representative and the laws of the country in which you are travelling. If you do not so comply or if, in the Worker Bee Tours Representative’s opinion, you are not compatible with the general enjoyment and well being of other members on the holiday or smooth operation of the holiday itself, we reserve the right to refuse to let you continue with the holiday. We do not tolerate the possession or carriage of illegal or restricted substances (drugs). Furthermore, you agree that your fellow travellers and any Worker Bee Tours Representative has the right to travel/ work in a safe environment. Any threats to their safety, well being or inappropriate behaviour by you, whether verbal or physical, will be taken extremely seriously and may result in the immediate termination of your holiday. In either event, you will be responsible for your own repatriation and related costs and have no claims against us.
10.6 You are responsible for any costs incurred as a result of damage or excess cleaning fees related to your accommodation. You are advised to immediately report any pre-existing damage in your room to hotel staff and/or a Worker Bee Tours Trip Manager as soon as it is discovered.
10.7 Where the traveller occupies a motorcoach seat fitted with a safety belt, neither the operator or service providers, agents or co-operating organisations shall be liable for any illness, injury or death or any loss or damages or claims whatsoever arising from any accident or incident, if the safety belt is not being worn at the time of the accident or incident.
10.8 It is your responsibility to have a valid passport and all visas, permits and certificates required for your selected holiday before your departure as well as any necessary vaccinations and to comply with all applicable laws. Worker Bee Tours is not responsible for any costs incurred as a result of failing to obtain necessary visas. Any costs whatsoever regarding obtaining, replacing or changing visas whilst on trip (including accommodation, meals, flights and transfers incurred due to associated delays) are at your own expense.
10.9 You agree that our Worker Bee Tours Trip Managers or representatives may take photographs and videos of you while you are on holiday with us and that these may be used in our brochures and/or advertising, in publicity material, on social media and in travel guides without obtaining any further consent or payment in respect of such photographs and/or films.
10.10 Should you have a complaint in respect of the holiday, you should inform the Worker Bee Tours Trip Manager or Worker Bee Tours Representative during the course of the holiday and if the matter cannot be resolved after the representative’s best endeavours to do so during the holiday, your complaint should be made in writing to Worker Bee Tours as soon as is reasonably possible after the holiday but within 30 days thereof so that your complaint can be investigated. Any claims made after the 30 day period will not be considered by Worker Bee Tours. If you choose to write to Worker Bee Tours via the Internet, please provide your home address so that we are able to reply to you in writing.
10.11 The contract and all matters arising in respect hereof shall be subject to Bulgarian Law, unless we agree otherwise in writing.
10.12 If any provision of this contract is held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, that provision shall be deemed to be re-written to give effect to the same purpose within the permitted limits of the law. The validity and enforceability of the other provisions shall not be affected.
10.13 If you are unsuccessful in any legal action instituted against us, you agree to pay all our costs, including but not limited to, attorney/traveller costs.

Travel insurance is highly recommended on our trips. Worker Bee Tours makes available appropriate insurance options, which you may choose or not choose to purchase in your sole discretion. Visit for further information. It is highly recommended that you take out comprehensive insurance cover for cancellation, personal injury, death, medical expenses, repatriation expenses and evacuation expenses before you travel on a Worker Bee Tours holiday. We strongly recommend your insurance also covers cancellation, personal liability and loss of personal property. Please check that the insurance covers all of the activities in which you plan to participate. Some policies exclude certain adventure activities. Travel insurance should be arranged at the time of payment of the deposit and will, in certain circumstances, cover you against loss of deposit or cancellation fees from the date of confirmation of your booking, as shown in the insurance policy. Worker Bee Tours cannot be held responsible for your failure to take out appropriate insurance. You also agree to indemnify us against all third-party claims, actions, damages and remedies which may be brought against us in respect of your participation in the holiday.

In the event of your withdrawal from a holiday after the commencement as a result of illness, you must obtain a medical certificate in support of any insurance claim. No refunds will be made for any absence from the trip.

Airfares to and from your holiday destination, airport taxes, passport and visa fees, insurance, laundry, phone calls, beverages, personal expense money, medical fees, sightseeing, visits and entrance fees, meals not detailed in the itinerary, tips to trip managers, drivers and local guides, items of a personal nature, excess baggage, optional excursions and anything else not listed in the daily itinerary of your package.

Under no circumstances can we be held responsible for adverse weather conditions, nor can any holiday be cancelled or amended by you at any time on the basis of adverse weather conditions.


15.1 The Booking Conditions detailed herein contain the entire contract between you and Worker Bee Tours. No representation, term, warranty or condition can be expressed or implied by reference to any other writing, advertisement or conversation. This contract may only be varied in writing by a duly authorised officer or director of Worker Bee Tours.
15.2 Your contract is with us as the tour operating company. At any time and at our complete discretion we may nominate to you in writing any other company or person to have the benefit of some or all of those provisions of this contract, which we may then specify, as if you had agreed the provisions concerned directly with that company or person in the first place as well as agreeing them with us. We may at our complete discretion assign all or any rights and liabilities arising under or by virtue of this or any other contract with you.
15.3 Transportation companies, airlines etc. are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event during the time travellers are not on board planes, transportation or conveyances. We rely on international conventions, national and international law, which may apply to the services provided by us, our suppliers or agents with respect to any claim of any nature brought by you against us as a result of the provision of those services. International conventions which apply may include: Warsaw Convention 1929, (as amended by Hague Protocol and Montreal Protocol) in relation to air travel, or Montreal Convention; the Berne Convention for rail travel; Athens Convention 1974 for carriage by sea; the Geneva Convention for carriage by road and the Paris Convention 1962 for Hotels. We are to be regarded as having all benefit of these conventions on limiting our liability in relation to any claim for death, injury, loss, damage and delay to travellers and luggage. Enrolment in and payment for a trip shall constitute agreement and acceptance by the traveller of the terms and conditions set forth in this brochure which cannot be varied except in writing by an officer of the Company.
15.4 Worker Bee Tours is not a carrier or hotelier nor does it own aircraft, hotels or coaches. All bookings with carriers, hoteliers and other service providers are subject to the terms and conditions and limitations of liability imposed by those carriers, hoteliers, and other service providers. Please note that some of these limit or exclude liability in respect of death, personal injury, delay and loss or damage to baggage. While we cannot accept any responsibility for any loss as a result of such actions or as a result of any act or omission of any such third-parties, we will give every reasonable assistance in helping to resolve any reasonable dispute. Please also note that Worker Bee Tours cannot be held responsible for the failure of any of these parties to provide facilities or services for disabled travellers (see also 5.3 under Holiday Details and Conditions).
15.5 Please note that no airline or carrier depicted or recommended in our printed or electronic materials by virtue of their endorsement of these materials represent themselves either as contracting with any purchaser of a package tour from Worker Bee Tours or as having any other legal relationship with any such purchaser.
15.6 Every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, however Worker Bee Tours cannot be held responsible for printing or typographical errors, or errors arising from unforeseen circumstances.

The packages advertised in these materials are available until fulfilled, changed, or canceled. For the latest information please visit our website or contact us in writing.

17. OPERATING COMPANIES The packages advertised in these materials are owned and operated by: Worker Bee Tours 35 Sveti Naum Boulevard, Sofia 1164, Bulgaria. Please note that Worker Bee Tours utilises ground handlers to assist with the operation of our products. These ground handlers include: Welcome to Bulgaria EOOD and Welcome to Macedonia EOOD.

18. WORKER BEE TOURS IS REPRESENTED IN: Bulgaria and the USA. Worker Bee Tours is a registered trademark of Honeycomb Holdings LLC. This information was published in January 2024 and supersedes any earlier published information.


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